Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Today I had my first ever 10min of silence and solitude (for more info check out or read this book)
I must say it was hard to put my thoughts and worries aside for 10 minutes! I've trained my mind to go non stop. I really pray this can become a good discipline because it really did my heart good! 
It made me realize how much I miss out by moving at such a fast pace. God and I had a good time in silence ;-)

But on to my thankful thoughts...

I'm thankful for:

  • God's amazing blessings these past few days, we've been approved on our house of our dreams! All the little details have been put in place! 
  • The appraisal report came in today and was incredibly good, never before has an appraisal report been so short (in the repairs department) out of ten pretty noticeable things that needed to be fixed, like light fixtures and fans and missing doors, he only picked out two small and easy fixes....totally not complaining!
  • Closing date is coming up, Thanking God for good friends who offered to take the kids and make sure they have an awesome day! 
  • Thankful for a very loving and supportive small group. We've been blessed with a very diverse but honest group of people. And even though we don't always agree on everything, the spirit of the group is just amazing! I find myself talking their ears off mainly cause I'm just so thankful for such an awesome group!
  • Thankful for finances to come through and the ability to do fun things here and there with the kids.
  • soooo thankful for peanut butter cupcakes...my cravings thank you!
  • Thankful for an amazing OB doctor! We find out if we are having a boy or a girl tomorrow!!! so excited!
  • Thankful that my morning sickness has subsided quite a bit, not gone completely,but definitely better
  • Thankful for a hardworking hubby who takes time for his kids and loves playing around with them.
  • Loves having easy going travelers, makes the rides a whole lot easier!
  • Gods mercies every day because I mess up every day, so glad he takes me back and grants me forgiveness...such a peace!
  • for GA peaches....LOVE peaches 
  • maternity pants! you rock my world right now...don't care if they aren't stylish...they are comfy, and right now that's all I care about!
So with that I close off my thankful Tuesday! Have a great night peeps! 

Thankful for these goofy boys!!!

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