Ever had a dream? Or a view of how your future will be?...
I definitely did I had my whole future planned out to the T... I was going to be married by age 21, have a great career, maybe children after the first 5 years... have a savings that people would envy! Never have to worry, my life would be perfect!
I'm sure any girl has dreams like that, especially about getting married... and having everything under control. You know, like the pictures we see in the magazines...
in my dreams I also had an awesome church and church family (well that part is true now). I was accepted, I was successful, and above all, in my dreams I was happy!
This was my "perfect plan" and it became my centerpoint, if my life did not go according to this dream I would not be happy and my mind (satan) would tell me that I was a failure.
God however did not share this dream of mine...
He had a different plan for my life...
I was married at 24... not 21!, we've have 2 kids and one on the way in the first 5 years, I do not have a successful career... unless you consider motherhood a career (heck I do!, it just doesnt pay well!). and because we've been in struggling ministries for the past 4 years our savings is non existent.
This was God's plan for our lives... not my perfect dream! But even though this seems to be a bad situation... God has been heading it up from the start. Unlike my perfect plan, that was orchestrated by myself, and had me at the front row... this plan was orchestrated by God.
I have struggled to accept that God is in control and have fought Him often.
My perfect dream still surfaces and tells me I'm a failure because I did not achieve all it had to offer.
satan has a way of inching his way into my head, and making me believe I am a failure... and if I'm a failure... why on earth would God do anything for me. This gets into my head, and my lifestyle, and makes me lazy and unmotivated to be a good christian. Leaving me feeling defeated and separated from God.
But what I am realizing, is that I am living God's plan. satan has no power. God's plan is obviously not my plan... and that's a good thing! Even though I don't have a career, a home of my own...God still uses me,
and has big plans for me. And I also know that God wants the best for his children.
His best not my best!
God has taken us through so many new doors, some He's closed at the last minute. Some he closed right away. Sometimes His direction was clear, sometimes it wasn't.
But the truth is He has never forsaken us, we have never been in need.
I find that when I put my trust in Him and put my dreams aside. He totally rocks my socks off :-)
A very known verse (and one of our favorite) in proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.
With all your heart means to give up any dreams and plans you might have for your own life and to give them to God... and let Him direct. cuz trust me He's better at it!
This is a daily battle, to die to oneself and to live in Him. But it's so worth it!
We have been so blessed! God has opened and closed doors.
and at the moment He has opened the door for us to buy our first home. I am trusting Him fully! knowing that He could close the door anytime... and I can honestly say I'm okay with that :-)
but I will say I am excited (and I would lie if I said I wasn't nervous... I'm human!) but above all I'm praying for God's will to be done.
So with all that said and done...here is the story of our new home to be :-)
My husband and I have been blessed emensely with the house we live in now. It's a rental but we knew it would be a stepping stone. With our family growing and my husband finally settling down into his new career we knew we would need to find a place of our own. I just expected us to buy a place in 10 years or so... not knowing the process and since we were just getting on our feet I didn't think we could afford it. so I had been looking at rentals around town. there were very little available and all the prices were sky high. I decided to take a break and trust that God would bring the right place into our path. let me be very honest... I was not doing well spiritually.. and was feeling very detached from God. that was 1 reason why I stepped back from finding a place... I was feeling frustrated and resentment toward our situation. I knew that this was not a good attitude. and knew I had to step back to take time and pray.
Finding a new rental was put on the back burner.
A couple weeks ago, my husband was driving home and decided to take a different route. On his way home he saw this house and a for sale sign that went with it. He felt compelled to stop.
he has not been too involved where is the house search. so for him to stop was something rare.
he told me he felt God telling him to give the guy a call. He did.
he got home told me we were going to visit home... I was not a happy camper... I had just stepped back from wishing 4 a beautiful home of my own... and all the frustrations that came with it. I knew that is this home with perfect... I would love it, but we wouldn't be able to afford it...
but my husband insisted that God told him to stop and call...
I decided to do the right thing and be a supportive wife ( I might add I did not have a good attitude)
and we went...
and sure enough I loved the place!
we both loved it... but had no clue how we would afford it.
within the last couple of weeks. God has provided a good christian realestate agent that we love.
he has made it possible for us to get pre approved.
he has also made possible for the bank (its a forclosure) to accept our offer.
as of now we are just waiting for the approval...
God willing our closing date will be july 13th!
now like I said, if God chooses to close the door... we will praise him anyway for everything He has done up until now.
So we ask you to please pray with us:
* For God's will to be done
* If it is god's will for the funds and
finances to come through
* For the loan to be approved
* For the closing to go smoothly
thank you so much for reading this and taking your time to pray for us.
we will keep you posted! God work is not done! Praise be to the Father and Lord of my heart.V
here are some pictures of our home... well soon to be home... we pray.