
About Me

Hi, I’m Maria,
 By day I am a stay at home mom living in Columbus, GA. I live with my wonderful husband  and our amazing two adorable boys and beautiful baby girl. They are the lights of my life. God, my family, cooking, baking and entertaining are my main passions in life.
I have loved french cooking ever since my sophomore year in High school, after taking general courses toward hotel & restaurant management , I am entirely self-taught via a mother who is as my dad quotes "the best cook in the world", the internet, cookbooks, and lots of trial and error. Hopefully this blog will help me brush up my skills and give you some good inspiration as well as a couple of good laughs. This blog will be a wonderful way for me to chronicle my culinary adventures as well as all my other adventures and continue to motivate me to improve my skills and try new things. I would love share my family, cooking and baking adventures with all of you!

Maria Johanna  
Jeremiah 29:11