
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Optimistic days of the week...filled with praise worship and thanks...Oh and treats of course ;-)

"Today has been a....HORRIBLE day, I was sooo tired and just couldn't get out of bed. My face feels swollen and I feel like i'm in the depths of despair...Pregnancy SUCKS!!!!!"

 Yuck yuck and yuck... I was confronted today on how horrible I sounded...yes granted it was a bad day and I did feel pretty crappy, but this was no reason to act as if I was dying and the whole wide world was falling down (it's not...far from it!) Today after going to a women's prayer time I felt totally convicted of my selfish attitude (I struggle with that a lot!). I needed a good positive change in my way of life.

 There are a couple of awesome blogs I follow that have cute little names for the days of the week, for example...

  •  Temptation Tuesdays By The doctorate Housewife - It's about food don't worry (for those of you already going there)She shares some awesome recipes and things she is learning in the kitchen, things her doctorate degree didn't teach her (she is also a good friend) 
  • Worship Wednesdays By Women's Bible Cafe - An online bible study for women who don't have a chance to go to a bible study in person, or for women who need extra spiritual food. 
  • Wordless Wednesday is everywhere 
  • Thankful Thursdays By the Cash Crew - Follow this amazing family as they follow God's calling to work and serve on the Mercy Ships. She faithfully shares her thankful thoughts on Thursday. A blessing to be sure!
 These are just a few I'm sure you can find TONS of blogs that dive into "the name of the week" game ;-) I don't blame them, it keeps them accountable to write or share something on a certain if not all the days of the week. So as you might have already guessed, I'm going to be diving into this cute craze (or try to). As I said above 'm ashamed of my attitude, I'm hoping this weekly schedule will help me focus on that said attitude.
I can't promise to write every day let alone every week. But it might keep me on track. 
So here is my week: 

  • Meaningful Monday: I'll be sharing something I've learned or something that stuck with me. It might be from my devos or bible reading, or something a friend sent get the picture right?! Please feel free to send in meaningful thoughts or things that stuck out to you ;-) 
  • Thankful Tuesday: I'll give you a list of things I'm thankful for. And things God might be doing in my life. 
  • Worship Wednesday: I will share a good song or worship video that stood out to me. Everyone needs some uplifting songs or messages. 
  • Thursday Treats: I'll share a recipe that I have made lately, just like I ussually do. 
  • Friday Favorites: I have a huge favorites list for my blogs that I follow, they cover everything from food to crafts. I will share my favorites and the links to go with it. And believe me I have a lot...I just don't have the time to make or complete them all.
  • Sincere Saturdays: I will be totally honest on these days and will probably vent and go through my week in preparation of Sunday. My thoughts are my own but you are very welcome to share your opinions, just understand I'm just venting not looking for a cure ;-)
  • Silent Sunday: I will guessed it...silent, this will be my personal prayer and silent time of the week if you want to know more about searching for silence I highly recommend this book..."Invitation to Solitude and Silence - Ruth Haley Barton"
Have a most Blessed week! Love you all!

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